Question 33

In the diagram given below ‘D’ represents the depot and A, B, C are the retail outlets points such that the distance between ‘D’ and ‘A’ is 10 kms. ‘D’ and ‘B’ is 15 kms. and D and C is 20 kms. Distance from ‘A’ to ‘B’ is 5 kms and ‘B’ to ‘C’ is 7 kms. What is the saving in kms, if the route is optimised on any day and a vehicle has limit of 50 kms. per day and load wise it can pick up the the load of ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ in one loading:


normal route distance=2DA + 2DB + 2DC=90km

optimized route distance=DA + AB + BC + CD=42km

the saving in distance=90-42=48km

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