RBI Grade B 17 NOV 2002


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 1

Which of the following is considered as financial derivatives ?

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Question 2

Following a dispute over the distribution of petrol pumps, LPG distributions and Kerosene
dealership, all the allotments belonging to which of the following periods got cancelled ?

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Question 3

RBI has recently issued following instructions in respect of exchange control of goods and
services export. Which of these is not correct ?

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Question 4

The 'Arria Formula' which was recently in news is

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Question 5

As per the reports published in print media, the revenue collection may miss budget targets in current year also. Which of the following is the target fixed in terms of the per cent of GDP ?

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Question 6

Which of the following statements is not true about the 'Asian Brown Cloud', a project report
which was in news recently ?
(A) The report is prepared by a agency of the United Nations Organisation.
(B) The report says that impact of vast pollution clouds was damaged the weather system and
monsoon pattern.
(C) The Govt. of India has accepted the report and has taken steps to protect the system from
further damages.

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Question 7

All members of the Election Commission led by the Chief Election Commissiner visited which of the following states in August 2002 so that they can take decision to announce Assembly elections there ?

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Question 8

As per present norms the Mergers and Acquisitions in the corporate sector need a clearance from which of the following in addition to RBI etc. ?
(A) High Courts of the Respective states
(B) Union Cabinet
(C) Cabinet of respective states

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Question 9

Which among the following statements is/are TRUE regarding Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) annoucement to provide 5 per cent relief to the banks who provide 'Sail of Pete' fund ?

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Question 10

C.R.M.D has been established by the big banks. C.R.M.D. means

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