Railways General Knowledge Test 172


For the following questions answer them individually

Q 1

Which one of the following triad represents Dobereiner’s Triad?

Q 2

'Silappadikaranm' and  'Manimekalai' are the famous ancient books written in which language?

Q 3

In the modern periodic table, which of the two periods contain 8 elements each?

Q 4

What is the general direction of cyclones formed in the Bay of Bengal ?

Q 5

Who is Ex-Officio Chairman of ‘Rajya Sabha’?

# Name Overall Score
1 Abhin Mohan 5
2 Venkat Rao 5
3 Ravi Prakash 5
4 Piyush Thakur 5
5 tsowmya sow 5
6 Pavan 5
7 Bhabani Sankar Samantaray 5
8 Rivu Dutta 5
9 Pk Chaudhary 5
10 saurav 5

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