Question 101

A factory is to commission two production lines. Production line 1 is to use existing technology. Production line 2 is to use the latest innovation in technology and, while promising to achieve considerable advances in productivity, it will take longer to start and is likely to experience teething problems. Graph indicates the productive record of each product line. Refer to the graph to answer the following

A. Can the duration of reported breakdown be established?
B. Can the loss of production be quantified?


As the graph representing production line 1 is showing a steady increase, the given graphs represent cumulative productions. The graph representing production line 2 is showing no change from the 4th month to 6th month so It was the period of breakdown.
As the graph representing production line 2 is not following any pattern, we cannot quantify the loss of production as the production in those months cannot be determined.
So Only A can be answered

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