Read the following case and answer the following question:-
Mr. Techno has recently acquired four companies namely A-Net Technologies (ANT), B-Anta Transport (BAT), C-Antra Tailors (CAT) and D-Ali Transistor (DAT). When the results of the companies for the year 2013-14 were placed before him, he found a few interesting things about them. While the profits of CAT and DAT were same, the sales of CAT were the same as those of BAT, profits of ANT were 10% of its sales, where as the profits of BAT were 20% of its sales. While the total expenses of CAT were 5 times its profits, sales of DAT were three times its profits. The total expenses of CAT were ₹10,00,000. The total expenses of ANT were 10% less than those of CAT. (Profits are defined as the difference between sales and total expenditure)
      Sales.        Expenditure.       profit
ANT - 10,00,000.      9,00,000.      1,00,000
BAT -  12,00,000.     9,60,000.       2,40,000
CAT -  12,00,000      10,00,000.      2,00,000
DAT -Â Â 6,00,000Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 4,00,000 Â Â Â Â Â Â 2,00,000Â
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