Question 107

The cost of levelling and turfing a square field at Rs. 160 per hectare is Rs. 2624.40. The cost of
surrounding it with a railing costing 25 paise per metre is:


The cost of levelling and turfing a square field at Rs. 160 per hectare is Rs. 2624.40.

Hence, the area = $$\ \frac{\ 2624.40}{ 160}$$ = 16.4025 * 10000 square metres             (1 Hectare = 10000 square metres)

Assume the length of the side=a, the area, a$$^2$$ = 16.4025 * 10000 

=> a = 405 m

Then the perimeter = 4a = 405*4

The cost of surrounding = 405*4*25 paise = Rs 405

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