Question 117

A trader sells 20 articles at Rs. 54 per article after giving 10% discount and gains 50% profit. If the discount is not given, the profit gained is ______


 P=50% and D=10%

The trader earns a revenue of Rs 54*20 after selling the items. = Rs 1080.

This is equivalent to a 50 percent profit.

Hence the cost price of all the items is Rs 1080*2/3 = Rs 720.

The revenue of Rs 1080 was earned after a discount of 10 percent.

If K is the marked price: K*(9/10) = K = Rs 1200.

Hence the profit percentage if no discount is provided :

$$\frac{\left(1200-720\right)}{720}\cdot100\ =\ 66.66\%$$

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