Question 26

Select the option in which the numbers are NOT related in the same way as are the numbers in the given set.
(143, 110, 88)

Given that (143, 110, 88)

the above is follow the pattern 143-110= 33 

110-88 = 22

in the same pattern follow the option (A),(B),(D) given below

(A) (69,36,14) 

the pattern is follow 69-36 = 33

and 36 - 14 = 22

(B) (61,28,6)

the pattern is follow 61-28 = 33 

and 28-6 = 22


in the same pattern

123-90= 33 

and 90-68 = 22

but option (C)(114,82,60) is not follow the above pattern 

114-82 = 32   and 82-60= 22

therefore option (C) (114,82,60) Ans 

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