Question 33

A train starts from Delhi at 6 : 00 AM and reaches Ambala Cantt at 10 AM. The other train starts from Ambala Cantt at 8 AM and reaches Delhi at 11:30 AM. If the distance between Delhi and Ambala Cantt. is 200 km, then at what time did the two trains meet each other ?


Let t be the start time

A starts at t, while B starts at (t-2)

Total distance covered = 200 km

As they are travelling in the opposite direction,

Relative distance covered i,e 200=((200/4)*t )+((400/7)*(t-2))

t=176min i.e 2hrs 56min from start (6 am)

Therefore they meet at 8.56 am.

A is the correct answer.

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