Question 44

Mr. Peter gave his eldest son David a bag with 1000 gold coins. David took 230 gold coins from the bag and gave the rest to his younger brothers John, Joe and Jonathan, and advised them to distribute the balance left in the bag amongst themselves in proportion to their age which together amounted to 17.5 years. After a lot of deliberation and discussion John, Joe and Jonathan came to a conclusion to distribute the gold coins. Their methodology was as follows: As often John took 4 gold coins, Joe took 3. As often John took 6 gold coins Jonathan took 7. What was the age of John, Joe and Jonathan ?


BY using their methodology, we can create a table as:

Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 10

Now, if we distribute 12 coins to John, we will have the following gold coins for the rest using the ratio mentioned above:

Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 10

The given ratio, 12:9:14 is also the ratio of their ages.

For the sum of their ages to be 12+9+14=35 years, Age of John, Joe and Jonathon are 12, 9 and 14 years respectively.

So, if the sum of their ages amount to 17.5 which is half of 35,

their ages will be 6, 4.5 and 7 years respectively 

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