Question 45

Read the following about the grid given below and answer.

 $$\rightarrow$$ The cells in this grid contain the digits 1 to 9 in random order.
$$\rightarrow$$ Column A contains no odd digits.
$$\rightarrow$$ Cell C3 minus Cell C2 equals 4.
$$\rightarrow$$ The sum of three digits in Row 1 is 17.
$$\rightarrow$$ Number 7 is in Column B; its left hand neighbour is not 4.
$$\rightarrow$$ The digits of Column C add up to 14.
$$\rightarrow$$ 2 is not in the same horizontal row as 8; and 9 is not immediately below 3.

Which cell holds the number 9?


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It is given that a+b+c=17. Also, since a is even, one of b or c must be even and the last one has to be odd.

So, Even + Even + Odd= 17.

With all distinct digits, the only value that satisfies is 8+6+3.

Given, i-f=4. Therefore the possible pairs for i and f are- (9,5), (8,4), (7,3), (6,2), (5,1).

Since, 8, 6 and 3 are already one among either a,b or c, we can eliminate those possibilities where 8,6 or 3 appears.

We are left with only two possibilities for i and f- (9,5) and (5,1).

Since, c+f+i= 14 and the no digit is equal to 0. Therefore, (9,5) gets eliminated and we get i=5, f=1 and c= 8.

a cannot be 3. So, a= 6 and b=3.

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Now, 9 is not immediately below 3 and it cannot be in Column A. Hence it is in B3. 7 is in B2 and since, 4 cannot be to its left, we get the following table:

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.'. 9 is in B3. 

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