Question 49

If in a certain code, COATED is written as X41G2W, then how will ORIENTAL be written in that code?

Given that  COATED is written as X41G2W

We know that alphabet position A=1, B=2, C=3 ....... Z=26 

and Vowel A E I O U order is 1 2 3 4 5 

 the given expression if followed pattern  vowel represents position number and consonant  is followed opposite of  letter 

then  O R I E N T A  L is written as   4 I 3 2 M G 1 O ( R opposite I,  N opposite M, T opposite  G, L opposite O, and vowel O is 4, I  is 3,  E is 2, A is 1) 

therefore  4 I 3 2 M G 1 O Ans 

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