
Long ago in Mounnelin there lived an fenreiqrowing old. One day, he sano gram in the street. Upset at being rennin led that someday, he too, would ago, he ordered all the old people to leave his land. 

One day, a violent storm iswept, the kingdom. Nothing was safe from its fury. It . • roared into the palace and blew away the emperor's belongings, including his priceless golden pitcher. *hen the storm ended, the emperor ordered that dm pitcher ho found and brought back to him. People went in search of the pitcher. They saw it in a lake nairliy. But no matter who ... • tried, no one could getia grip on the pitcher. All they, got was a handful of water. Yet it coulkhe plainluea•glittering and just below the waters surface

Question 49

the emperor feared

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