
Each question consists of a statement and/or a question followed by two statements I and II. Identify an option which provides sufficient data to answer the given question. Mark your answer as
A. if the data in statement I is sufficient and II is not required;
B. if the data in statement II is sufficient and I is not required;
C. if the data in both statements is necessary;
D. if the data in both statements is not sufficient to answer the question.

Question 51

The total of the present ages of A, B, C and D is 96 years. What is B's present age?
I. The average age of A, B and D is 20 years.
II. The average age of C and D is 25 years.


It is given that  A+B+C+D = 96

Using statement I alone A+B+D = 20*3 = 60

Thus we can say that C = 96-60 = 36

Using Statement II alone

C+D = 2*25 = 50 and hence A+B = 46

Using both statements I and II

A+B = 46   hence D = 14

We still can't find the value of B even after using both the statements

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