
sing the information given below answer the questions:

A chef is trying a recipe for a tasty ice cream using four ingredients. He can choose from three liquids for taste which are labeled A, B and C which are stable in nature and the choice for flavor can be from four liquids which are labeled W, X, Y and Z. For the new ice cream recipe to be tasty, there must be two liquids from the taste giving liquids. Also certain liquids cannot be mixed because of their reactions which makes it unhealthy for human consumption and the same is given below B cannot be mixed with W C cannot be mixed with Y Y cannot be mixed with Z

Question 58

'If the chef rejected B because of its possible side effects but decided to use Z, which is a possible combination of the four ingredients in the recipe ?


If chef rejects B, then he has to use A and C together. Options 2 and 3 can already be eliminated. Now, C cannot be used with Y. So, option 4 is also eliminated.

Option 1 is a possible combination.

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