
Following is a new plan called ‘Airtel One’, introduced by Airtel (GSM service Provider) for its post-paid customers.

Question 63

A new SMS scheme was introduced @60p/local SMS, with an additional monthly charge of Rs. 35. Who will not benefit from the scheme? A Person sending


We will try to find the breakeven point at which the money spent at old rate was higher than or equal to the money spent on the new scheme. 

Let us consider x SMS being sent a month.

Bill amount because of old rates= 1.5x

For the new scheme, money payable= 0.6x+ 35.

So, for the new scheme to be profitable,

1.5x> 0.6x+35

=> 0.9x> 35

=> x>35/0.9


or, from 39 messages/ month onwards, the scheme is profitable.

.'. For a person sending 38 SMS a month will not be benefited from the scheme.

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