Question 71

Arrange the sentence 1,2,3,4 to form a logical sequence between sentences I and II. Choose the alternative where the four combinations make a meaningful sentence.
I. We all value having the freedom
1) which many of us fail to honour
2) to make the choices we want in our careers
3) but with great freedom comes great responsibility
4) so most companies fall prey to the policies which become rigid
II. and that’s probably one reason we find most companies not following what they preach


2 will be the first statement as it mentions what freedom is being talked about in (I).

3 will follow 2 as it states that the freedom mentioned in 2 comes with great responsibility.

1 will continue the topic by saying that many of us fail to honour the responsibility mentioned in 3.

4 will conclude the argument sequence as it starts the idea continued in (II).

Hence, the answer is option B.

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