
Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode (IIM K)

Kozhikode, Kerala

104 Pratham Gulati


Feb 24, 2025

IIM Kozhikode Admission: Takes in admission to its various postgraduate level programmes based on CAT score. Apart from it there is an exam called EMAT which is conducted for admissions into its executive MBA. The admission is entrance-based and the final selection includes your entrance scores, past academic profile and how you have performed in written ability test and Personal interview. In this blog, we will look in detail the eligibility criteria that needs to fulfilled and also the steps in selection process for various postgraduate courses.

IIM Kozhikode: Eligibility Criteria 2024

Post Graduate Programme (PGP)

First of all only those candidates who have scored positive (greater than 0) scaled score in all sections of CAT exam will be considered . In addition they have to fulfill the following eligibility criteria-

CategoryCAT overall PercentileSectional PercentileSSC/X Class Percentage*HSC/XII Class Percentage*
OBC-NCL / EWS75656060

* The percentage of marks obtained in Class X and Class XII would be calculated based on the aggregate marks of all subjects that appear in the marks sheet or grade sheet, irrespective of whether the Board considers them for calculation of percentage.

Those who are in final year of their graduation, if selected, would be allowed to join the Programme provisionally only if he/she submits a certificate latest by June 30, 2024 from the Principal/Registrar of his/her college/institute (issued on or before June 30, 2024) stating that the candidate has completed all the requirements for obtaining the bachelor's degree on the date of the issue of the certificate. The admission will be finalized only when the candidate submits the marksheet and graduation certificate with minimum aggregate 60% marks. Failing to do so will automatically result in cancellation of the provisional admission provided.
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Post Graduate Programme Finance (PGP - Finance)

All other eligibility conditions are same, except the fact that that this programme also accepts GMAT/GRE scores and the minimum percentile or past academic scores are different from core PGP programme as highlighted below-

Sectional Percentile
SSC/Class X
Verbal ability
NC-OBC / EWS757065606060
ST / PwD605555555560

Note- For CAT, the applicable sections are- Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Ability (QA); for GMAT, GMAT Focus Edition and GRE the applicable sections are Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning.

Shortlisting Criteria for 2nd stage for PGP-Finance

Component Weightage (%)
Scaled Sectional Score for the Quantitative Section 20%
Scaled Sectional Score for the DI Section 20%
Class X Percentage Score 10%
Class XII Percentage Score 15%
Work Experience Score 10%
PGP-Finance Suitability Score 20%
Gender Diversity Score 5%

Post Graduate Programme in Liberal Studies & Management (PGP - LSM)

All the eligibility criteria is same as PGP , except the type of exams accepted which are CAT, GMAT and GRE and the minimum score in each section as highlighted below.

Section Percentile*
Section Percentile **
Section Percentile ***
OBC-NCL / EWS707060
ST / PwD555555

* Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (CAT), Verbal (GMAT/GMAT Focus Edition), Verbal Reasoning (GRE).

** Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (CAT), Integrated Reasoning (GMAT)/Data Insights (GMAT Focus Edition), Analytical Writing (GRE).
*** Quantitative Ability (CAT), Quantitative (GMAT/GMAT Focus Edition), Quantitative Reasoning (GRE).

Post Graduate Programme in Business Leadership ( PGP - BL)

* Only full time remunerative work experience after graduation will be considered. Part – time/Project/Internship/Articleship/Pre-Graduation will not be considered as work experience.


IIM Kozhikode Admission Process 2024

The candidates are selected via a three stage process explained in detail below-

Minimum Eligibility

The candidates who have fulfilled the minimum eligibility criteria including the minimum CAT, 10th and 12th scores for the programme they are interested in will be sent a link to register for IIM Kozhikode. Only those candidates who have successfully completed the online registration process for IIM Kozhikode are considered for next stage.

Shortlisting for WAT and PI

In this stage, a shortlist of candidates in each reservation category would be prepared based on an Aggregate Index Score (AIS). The AIS is calculated based on the performance in CAT, academic performance in Class X & XII, work experience and gender / academic diversity. The weightage given to each component is highlighted below-

CAT 2024 Index Score50%
Class X Percentage Score15%
Class XII Percentage Score20%
Gender / Academic Diversity Score10% / 5%
Work Experience Score5%

Final Selection

The candidates who are shortlisted will be required to write an essay on the topic provided and then a personal interview will be conducted. Based on the academic and professional qualifications , candidates will be assessed and will be provided a resume score. Then the final screening will be done based on CAT, WAT , PI and resume scores. The weightage given to different components in the final selection process is as follows-

CAT 2024 Index Score35%
PI Score35%
WAT Score20%
Resume Score10%

Admission offers would be made to the candidates following the merit list as per the Government of India reservation norms .

IIM Kozhikode Admission FAQs

What CAT percentile is needed to get admission in IIM Kozhikode?

You should have a minimum of overall 85 percentile and sectional 75 percentile to be eligible for admissions at IIM Kozhikode.

How much minimum marks are needed in 12th standard to be eligible for admissions at IIM Kozhikode?

You should have atleast a minimum score of 60% in your 12th standard to be eligible for admissions.

Can I join IIM Kozhikode without appearing in CAT?

For the flagship program PGP, the CAT exam is must but you can still join in other courses such as PGP-Finance, PGP-LSM and PGP-BL with your GMAT or GRE scores.

Can PGP-BL and PGP-LSM be joined while working full-time?

No, these two courses are full-time postgraduate courses and all students are required to stay at campus during entire duration of the course. You can consider the executive MBA courses offered by IIM Kozhikode which can be pursued with your current job.

What all factors are taken into account during selection process except CAT score?

The factors that are considered in selection process include- Past academic scores(10th, 12th and graduation), work experience, academic & gender diversity and performance in WAT & PI round.