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3 years ago
3 years ago
I had a pretty bad strategy. I'll not recommend it for anyone though, but it worked for me. I'm usually not bad at LRDI sets but in one of the Dashcats, my nerve failed and I rage quitted. I scored -8 in that section of LRDI. Now, whenever I start a mock, I know it can't be less than '-8'. I normally score between 20-30 in mocks because I don't panic anymore, and not because something magical happened.
It's better to sweat in practice than to bleed in war. All the best.
3 years ago
Practise is the key my friend, the more you practise ,the more you become familiar with it ,and the more it becomes natural to you.
3 years ago
Start with sectionals. I had a similar experience , after solving 2-3 sectionals I stopped panicing in the mocks.
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