For the following questions answer them individually
In an amplitude modulated system if the total poweris 600W and the power in the carrier is 400W,the modulation index is
The channel capacity under the Gaussian noise environment for a discrete memoryless channel with a bandwidth of 4MHz and SNRof31 is.
For a 3-um-diameteroptical fiber with core and cladding indexes of refraction of 1.545 and 1.510, respectively. The cut off wavelengthis.
A 12-bit ADC is operating with a lus clock period and total conversion time is seen to be 14us always. The ADC mustbe of the type
Consider the analog signal $$x(t) = 3 \cos 100 \pi t$$. If the signal is sampled at 200 Hz,the discrete time signal obtained will be
A microprocessor with 12-bit address bus will be able to access ...... kilobytes of memory