JEE (Advanced) 2009 Paper-2


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 1

For a first order reaction $$A \rightarrow P$$, the temperature (T) dependent rate constant (k) was found to follow the equation $$\log k = -(2000)\frac{1}{T} + 6.0$$. The pre-exponential factor A and the activation energy $$E_a$$, respectively, are

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Question 2

The spin onlyimoment value (in Bohr magneton units) of $$Cr(CO)_6$$ is

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Question 3

In the following carbocation, $$H/CH_3$$ that is most likely to migrate to the positively charged carbon is

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Question 4

The correct stability order of the following resonance structures is

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Question 5

For the reduction of $$NO_{3}^{-}$$ ion in an aqueous solution, $$E^0$$ is +0.96 V. Values of $$E^0$$ for some metal ions are given below
$$V^{2+}(aq) + 2e^{-} \rightarrow V$$ $$E^0 = -1.19$$ V
$$Fe^{3+}(aq) + 3e^{-} \rightarrow Fe$$ $$E^0 = -0.04$$ V
$$Au^{3+}(aq) + 3e^{-} \rightarrow Au$$ $$E^0 = +1.40$$ V
$$Hg^{2+}(aq) + 2e^{-} \rightarrow Hg$$ $$E^0 = +0.86$$ V
The pair(s) of metals that is(are) oxidized by $$NO_{3}^{-}$$ in aqueous solution is(are)

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Question 6

Among the following, the state function(s) is(are)

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Question 7

In the reaction
$$2X + B_2H_6 \rightarrow [BH_2(X)_2]^{+}[BH_4]^{-}$$
the amine(s) X is (are)

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Question 8

The nitrogen oxide(s) that contain(s) N-N bond(s) is(are)

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Question 9

The correct statement(s) about the following sugars X andY is(are)


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Each question contains statements given in two columns, which have to be matched. The statements in ColumnI are labelled A, B, C and D, while the statements in Column II are labelled p, q, r, s and t. Any given statement in Column I can have correct matching with ONE OR MORE statement(s) in Column II. The appropriate bubbles corresponding to the answers to these questions have to be darkened as illustrated in the following example: If the correct matches are A p, s and t; B โ€” q and r; C p and q; and D โ€”s and t; then the correct darkening of bubbles will look like the following.

Question 10

Match each of the reactions given in Column I with the corresponding product(s) given in Column II.

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