For the following questions answer them individually
Consider a triangle $$\triangle$$ whose two sides lie on the x-axis and the line $$x + y + 1 = 0$$. If the orthocenter of $$\triangle$$ is (1,1), then the equation of the circle passing through the vertices of the triangle $$\triangle$$ is
The area of the region
$$\left\{(x, y) : 0 \leq x \leq \frac{9}{4}, 0 \leq y \leq 1, x \geq 3y, x + y \geq 2\right\}$$
Consider three sets $$E_1 = \left\{1, 2, 3 \right\}, F_1 = \left\{1, 3, 4 \right\}$$ and $$G_1 = \left\{2, 3, 4, 5 \right\}$$. Two elements are chosen at random, without replacement, from the set $$E_1$$, and let $$S_1$$ denote the set of these chosen elements. Let $$E_2 = E_1 โ S_1$$ and $$F_2 = F_1 \cup S_1$$. Now two elements are chosen at random, without replacement, from the set $$F_2$$ and let $$S_2$$ denote the set of these chosen elements.
Let $$G_2 = G_1 \cup S_2$$. Finally, two elements are chosen at random, without replacement, from the set $$G_2$$ and let $$S_3$$ denote the set of these chosen elements. Let $$E_3 = E_2 \cup S_3$$. Given that $$E_1 = E_3$$, let p be the conditional probability of the event $$S_1 = \left\{1, 2 \right\}$$. Then the value of p is
Let $$\theta_1, \theta_2, ......., \theta_{10}$$ be positive valued angles (in radian) such that $$\theta_1 + \theta_2 + ..... + \theta_{10} = 2 \pi$$. Define the complex numbers $$Z_1 = e^{i \theta_1}, Z_k = Z_{k - 1}e^{i \theta_k}$$ for $$k = 2, 3, ...., 10,$$ where $$i = \sqrt{-1}$$. Consider the statements P and Q given below:
$$P : \mid Z_2 - Z_1 \mid + \mid Z_3 - Z_2 \mid + .... + \mid Z_{10} - Z_9 \mid + \mid Z_1 - Z_{10} \mid \leq 2 \pi$$
$$Q : \mid Z_2^2 - Z_1^2 \mid + \mid Z_3^2 - Z_2^2 \mid + .... + \mid Z_{10}^2 - Z_9^2 \mid + \mid Z_1^2 - Z_{10}^2 \mid \leq 4 \pi$$
Question Stem
Three numbers are chosen at random, one after another with replacement, from the set $$S = \left\{1, 2, 3, โฆ, 100 \right\}$$. Let $$p_1$$ be the probability that the maximum of chosen numbers is at least 81 and $$p_2$$ be the probability that the minimum of chosen numbers is at most 40.
Question Stem
Let $$\alpha, \beta$$ and $$\gamma$$ be real numbers such that the system of linear equations
$$x + 2y + 3z = \alpha$$
$$4x + 5y + 6z = \beta$$
$$7x + 8y + 9z = \gamma - 1$$
is consistent. Let $$\mid M \mid$$ represent the determinant of the matrix
$$M = \begin{bmatrix}\alpha & 2 & \gamma \\ \beta & 1 & 0 \\ -1 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}$$
Let P be the plane containing all those $$\left(\alpha, \beta, \gamma \right)$$ for which the above system of linear equations is consistent, and ๐ท be the square of the distance of the point (0, 1, 0) from the plane P.
Question Stem
Consider the lines $$L_1$$ and $$L_2$$ defined by
$$L_1 : x \sqrt{2} + y - 1 = 0$$ and $$L_2 : x \sqrt{2} - y + 1 = 0$$
For a fixed constant $$\lambda$$, let C be the locus of a point P such that the product of the distance of P from $$L_1$$ and the distance of P from $$L_2$$ is $$\lambda^2$$. The line $$y = 2x + 1$$ meets C at two points R and S, where the distance between R and S is $$\sqrt{270}$$.
Let the perpendicular bisector of RS meet C at two distinct points $$Rโฒ$$ and $$Sโฒ$$. Let D be the square of the distance between $$Rโฒ$$ and $$Sโฒ$$.