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4 months ago
4 months ago
khushi listen to me very carefully dont take mock score seriously ultimately woh tera confidence hi down krenge bus mocks ko practice ki tarah de as long as tu previous year DILR set solve kr pa rhi h and tu choose kr paarhi h hr slot m konsa set doable h and konsa nhi tu shi kr rhi h.... And quants m toh mocks ke question without timer solve kr and question ko time de seedha solution pe jump mt kr. Hope it will help u :)
4 months ago
Firstly, Mocks are generally difficult compared to cat (especially quant) to set the tone right and the best thing to do is just keep your head down and stay committed. The process doesn't matter in the end result does.
4 months ago
Khushi if you are as big a fan of Naruto series as me, believe in the quotes used by each character especially Naruto's- "Believe it". You have worked hard for 90 percent of the journey don't feel disheartened when only last 10 percent of the journey is left. Keep practicing keep revising till the end.TILL THE VERY END :)
4 months ago
Yup, completely shatters the confidence. Feels like low scores has become a constant and the highest score that you achieved is far from reachable and was a one-off scenario.