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1Â month, 1Â week ago
1Â month, 1Â week ago
@Varun @Aspiring eagle, thank you so much. I'm gonna start with Raman one shots, his recent one which is 10 hours of continuous teaching, thats some serious dedication from his side.
1Â month, 1Â week ago
Raman Tiwari also explains Quants well in his one-shot videos. Questions prepared by him test the effectiveness and efficiency of candidates. Otherwise, you will fear to cover basic topics when confront with 4-5 parts videos 2 hours long each.
Second best recommendation would be Cracku and Rodha.
1Â month, 1Â week ago
You should check out Cracku's QUANT revision videos. You will go through all topics in those videos.
Quick, Easy and Effective Revision
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