Question 2

Four two-way pipes A, B, C and D can either fill an empty tank or drain the full tank in 4, 10, 12 and 20 minutes respectively. All four pipes were opened simultaneously when the tank is empty. Under which of the following conditions the tank would be half filled after 30 minutes?


Let us assume the volume of the tank to be 60 litres. 
A can fill or empty 60/4 = 15 litres in a minute.
B can fill or empty 60/10 = 6 litres in a minute.
C can fill or empty 60/12 = 5 litres in a minute.
D can fill or empty 60/20 = 3 litres in a minute. 

We have to find the combination for which the tank will be half-full in 30 minutes (i.e., completely filled in 1 hour).
Therefore, the combination must result in a net input of 60/60 = 1 litre per minute.

Let us evaluate the options.
Option B:
Pipe A drained and pipes B, C and D filled

The net result will be -15 + 6 + 5 + 3 = -1 litre/minute. We can eliminate option B. 

Option C:
Pipes A and D drained and pipes B and C filled

The net result will be -15-3+6+5 = -7 litres/minute. We can eliminate option C as well. 

Option D:
Pipes A and D filled and pipes B and C drained
The net result will be 15+3-6-5 = 7 litres/minute. We can eliminate option D as well.

Option A:
Pipe A filled and pipes B, C and D drained

The net result will be 15-6-5-3 = 1 litre/minute. 
Therefore, option A is the right answer. 

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