
Directions for the following four questions:

A health-drink company’s R&D department is trying to make various diet formulations, which can be used for certain specific purposes. It is considering a choice of 5 alternative ingredients (O, P, Q, R, and S), which can be used in different proportions in the formulations.

The table below gives the composition of these ingredients. The cost per unit of each of these ingredients is O: 150, P: 50, Q: 200, R: 500, S: 100.

Question 29

The company is planning to launch a balanced diet required for growth needs of adolescent children. This diet must contain at least 30% each of carbohydrate and protein, no more than 25% fat and at least 5% minerals. Which one of the following combinations of equally mixed ingredients is feasible?


Two ingredients are mixed in equal proportion. So, the minimum amount of protein and carbohydrate should be 60 each, the minimum amount of minerals is 10 and the maximum amount of fat is 50. The combination of O and S satisfies this requirement.

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