
Two students, Amiya and Ramya are the only candidates in an election for the position of class representative. Students will vote based on the intensity level of Amiya’s and Ramya’s campaigns and the type of campaigns they run. Each campaign is said to have a level of 1 if it is a staid campaign and a level of 2 if it is a vigorous campaign. Campaigns can be of two types, they can either focus on issues, or on attacking the other candidate.

If Amiya and Ramya both run campaigns focusing on issues, then
• The percentage of students voting in the election will be 20 times the sum of the levels of campaigning of the two students. For example, if Amiya and Ramya both run vigorous campaigns, then 20 × (2+2)%, that is, 80% of the students will vote in the election.
• Among voting students, the percentage of votes for each candidate will be proportional to the levels of their campaigns. For example, if Amiya runs a staid (i.e., level 1) campaign while Ramya runs a vigorous (i.e., level 2) campaign, then Amiya will receive 1/3 of the votes cast, and Ramya will receive the other 2/3. The above-mentioned percentages change as follows if at least one of them runs a campaign attacking their opponent.
• If Amiya runs a campaign attacking Ramya and Ramya runs a campaign focusing on issues, then 10% of the students who would have otherwise voted for Amiya will vote for Ramya, and another 10% who would have otherwise voted for Amiya, will not vote at all.
• If Ramya runs a campaign attacking Amiya and Amiya runs a campaign focusing on issues, then 20% of the students who would have otherwise voted for Ramya will vote for Amiya, and another 5% who would have otherwise voted for Ramya, will not vote at all.
• If both run campaigns attacking each other, then 10% of the students who would have otherwise voted for them had they run campaigns focusing on issues, will not vote at all.

Question 39

What is the minimum percentage of students who will vote in the election?


We want the minimum vote share, that means both the candidates run staid campaigns. 
And, both the campaigns should be attacking, since we see that if one candidate runs an attacking campaign whereas the other candidate runs an issues campaign, a fair number of voters get transferred to the other candidate's vote share. 

This points to us to a scenario where both the campaigns are staid and attacking, which is nothing but the scenario described in the previous question. 

If both Ramya and Amiya run staid campaigns, the intensity of each staid campaign is 1
So total number of voters that would vote for them if they focused on issues will be 20x(1+1)%=40%

This means if they had both ran regarding issues, then they would get 20% of votes each.
We are told that both of them run attacking campaigns,
And the rule for mutual attacking campaign is 10% of voters who would have voted for each candidate will not vote.
That means 10% of 20% of each candidate will not vote, now that it is a mutually attacking campaign.
That means, each candidate receives 18% of the votes.

Total votes received is 36%, which is the minimum possible. 

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