Question 51

Sheela purchases two varieties of apples - A and B - for a total of Rupees 2800. The weights in kg of A and B purchased by Sheela are in the ratio 5 : 8 but the cost per kg of A is 20% more than that of B. Sheela sells A and B with profits of 15% and 10% respectively.

What is the overall profit in Rupees?


The two types of apples sold A and B are bought in the ratio of 5: 8.

Considering the weights to be 5x and 8x.

The cost price of A is 20 percent higher than that of B.

Considering the cost price of B = y, A = 6y/5.

The total cost price of A = $$\left(5x\right)\cdot\left(\frac{6y}{5}\right)$$

The total cost price of B = $$\left(8x\right)\cdot\left(y\right)$$

THe total cost price = 8xy + 6xy = 14xy

14xy = 2800.

xy = 200.

THe cost price of A = 1200.

THe cost price of B = 1600.

A is sold a profit of 15 percent. 15 percent of 1200 = 180.

B is sold at a profit of 10 percent. 10 percent of 1600 = 160.

The total profit is 180 + 160

= 340

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