
The following pie chart shows the hourly distribution in a day (in degrees) of all the major activities of a student. Moreover, a day has 24 hours.

Question 93

If he spends $$\frac{1}{3}rd$$ time of homework in Mathematics then the number of hours he spends in rest of the subjects in home work:


The total number of hours = 24

Time spent on homework = $$45^0$$

=$$\ \frac{\ 45}{360}\times\ 24$$ = 3 hrs

It is given that she spent $$\frac{1}{3}rd$$ time of homework in Mathematics.

The time she spent on Mathematics = $$\ \frac{\ 1}{3}\times\ 3$$

=1 hr

The time she spent on the rest of the subjects = 3-1 = 2 hr

B is the correct answer.

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