CMAT Critical Reasoning Questions

CMAT 2024 Critical Reasoning questions

Question 1

Consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

The entire north India, including Delhi remained 'power less' the whole day of $$19^{th}$$ December as the northern grid supplying electricity to seven states collapsed yet again.

Assumptions :
I. The northern grid had collapsed earlier.
II. The grid system of providing electricity to a group of states is an ineffective type of power supply system.

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Question 2

The following question consists of a statement and argument I and II. Choose the best option.
Statement : Should judiciary be independent of the executive.
Arguments: I. Yes, This would help curb the unlawful activities of the executive.
II. No, the executive would not be able to take bold measures.

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Question 3

Consider the statement given below and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is/are implicit in the statement.

Statement :
You know that your shirt is excellent when people ask about your tailor who tailored the shirt.

Assumptions :
I. People do not ask about your tailor if your shirt is not good .
II. People want to know the criteria of an excellent shirt.

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Question 4

The following question consists of a statement and arguments I and II. Choose the best option :

Should there be a compulsory medical examination of both the man and the woman before they marry each other ?

Argument I :
No, this is an intrusion to the privacy of an individual and hence cannot be tolerated.

Argument II :
Yes, this will substantially reduce the risk of giving birth to children with serious ailments.

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Question 5

Given below are two statements : One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

"I wish it were possible."

Assertion (A) : Despite the fact that the above sentence lacks subject-verb concord, as per the English Grammar, it is a syntactically correct sentence.
Reasons (R) : It is a syntactically correct sentence because in subjunctive mood (of verb) even singular subject is followed by a plural verb.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below :

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