Recently the of the RBI Act came into spotlight amid the war between the Central government and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The provision in the RBI Act empowers the government to issue directions to the RBI.
correct answer:-2
The foreign exchange reserve of India consists of _________
correct answer:-3
The banks are required to maintain a certain ratio between their cash in hand and total assets. This is called
correct answer:-2
In a swap transaction where two fixed-floating currency swaps are combined to form a fixed to fixed currency swap is known as
correct answer:-4
In monetary terminology, what is called the 'monetary base' or 'high powered money' ?
correct answer:-2
Which is considered as the mother of all Central Banks ?
correct answer:-1
Many times we read in the newspaper that several companies are adopting the FCCBs route to raise capital. What is the full form of FCCB?
correct answer:-1
As per the reports published in various newspapers, RBI has asked banks to make plan to provide banking services in villages having population of 2000. This directive issued by the RBI will fall in which of the following categories?
correct answer:-1
Which of the following terms indicates a mechanisms used by commercial banks to provide credit to the Government?
correct answer:-4
Why is the offering of “teaser loans” by commercial banks a cause of economic concern?
1. The teaser loans are considered to be an aspect of sub - prime lending and banks may be exposed to the risk of defaulters in future.
2. The teaser loans are given to inexperienced entrepreneurs to set up manufacturing or export units.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
correct answer:-1
Which three public sector lenders have entered recently into a joint venture agreement for setting up a banking subsidiary, India BIA Bank (Malaysia) Bhd, in Malaysia?
correct answer:-3
Who declares the “Credit Policy” of India?
correct answer:-2
As a practice, all major states’ capitals have offices of Reserve Bank of India with only one exception. Which city of India has an office of RBI without being a state capital?
correct answer:-4