CUET PG 2023 Question Paper COQP12 Shift-2


Read the following passage and answer the required questions:

I walked into a popular restaurant recently and heard someone talking in a very loud voice. I was intrigued because this is a good restaurant which most people enjoy eating at very much. The staff are helpful and courteous, the food is delicious, and the people who come there are, for the most part, regulars. You can thus imagine my surprise when I heard a loud, angry voice booming from a table nearly. Now. I'm a curious person by nature, so I walked over to the nearest table I could get to. I walked over to the nearest table I could get to. I saw a guest frantically, gesticulating both at the server as well as his food. His body language was screaming anger and indignation, as were his facial expressions. He was very loudly telling the server how he was paying for good food and therefore he demanded nothing but the best, as well as the highest order of respect. He mentioned that he was a food critic on an online forum and that he would write an honest review of the restaurant. I zoned out of his tirade and looked around at the other people there to grab a (usually) happy lunch. Nearly everyone was starting at the guest, some with a look of disbelief. Would you like dealing with someone as aggressive as him? There is an important difference between being aggressive and being assertive. While aggressive communication makes people withdraw from you and want to avoid you assertiveness makes people want to follow you. Add to this the art of persuasion and you have a winning combination.

Question 1

Choose the word similar in meaning to the word, "tirade."

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Question 2

The story narrated in the passage teaches us to be:

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Question 3

Which of the following is /are correct as per the passage:

A. The guest in the restaurant was treating the waiter.
B. The guest in the restaurant was demanding only good food.
C. Everyone present in the restaurant considered the guest as an aggressive person.
D. The guest was aggressive as well as assertive.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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Question 4

Match List I with List II


Choose the correct answer from the options given below.

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Question 5

What does 'winning combination' in the story include?

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Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:

Did you know that your daily habits can turn genes on or off. It's known as gene expression or epigenetics. Gene expression is a process in which certain genes are turned on or off during one's lifetime. The human body contains approximately 100 trillion cells. Within each cell is the nucleus. Inside every nucleus of every cell are our genes. Experts estimate that the average human has over 20,000 genes. Some of these genes came from our mothers and some from our fathers. Believe it or not, your daily habits can turn genes on or off. Bad habits can turn off good genes and turn on bad genes. This could mean opening the door to cancer, diabetes, various addictions, brain damage, heart diseases, etc. Bad habits can create long-term stress in the form of financial problems, job loss, health issues, etc. Long - term stress increases the production of cortisol, a stress hormone. Like a domino effect, cortisol switches on a series of bad genes that can lead to heart disease, cancer and immunological disorders.

Some of the bad habits that turn bad genes on include:

• Excessive alcohol consumption.
• Drug use.
• Not eating healthy or eating too much junk food can change your DNA.
• Lack off daily aerobic exercise.
• Consuming too much much sugar.
• Not exercising our brains by reading or learning new skills.
• Negative emotions and negative thinking.

Conversely, good habits can turn bad genes off and turn good genes on. The by product of good habits is reduced stress resulting from financial independence, happiness, good health, etc. Some of these good habits include:

• Daily reading or learning new skills, which can turn on genes that increase your IQ.
• Daily aerobic exercise, which can turn on genes that prevent heart disease, asthma and other immunological disorder.
• Meditation, which can turn off bad genes that contribute to the onset of various types of diseases and turn on good genes that prevent such disease.
• Positive thinking and positive emotions alter the brain's chemistry which increases or decreases gene expression.

Habits are not harmless. They can alter your DNA by changing your genome. This is important but not just for

Question 6

Match List I with List II


Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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Question 7

Choose the statement that are true with regard to your DNA.

A. It results into immunological disorder.
B. The altered DNA gets passed on the our children.
C. Habits are harmful.
D. The DNA has the ability to change the genome.
E. The DNA can make you children better or worse.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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Question 8

Epileptics is a process:

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Question 9

Financial problems, job loss, health issues etc. are caused by:

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Question 10

Consuming too much sugar implies:

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