XAT 2023 Question Paper


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 1

Read the following statements.
The leave policy is bound to be unpopular either with the management or among workers. If the leave policy is unpopular with the management, it should be modified.
We should adopt a new policy if it is unpopular with workers.
If the above statements are true, which one of the following MUST also be true?

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Question 2

Arrange the following into a meaningful sequence:
1. Iā€™m not sure when I first became aware of the Singularity.
2. In the almost half century that I've immersed myself in computer and related
technologies, I've sought to understand the meaning and purpose of the continual upheaval that I have witnessed at many levels.
3. Gradually, I've become aware of a transforming event looming in the first half of the twenty first century.
4. I'd have to say it was a progressive awakening.
5. Just as a black hole in space dramatically alters the patterns of matter and energy accelerating toward its event horizon, this impending Singularity in our future is increasingly transforming every institution and aspect of human life, from sexuality
to spirituality.

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Question 3

Read the following passage and answer the question that follows.

More people signed up for Harvardā€™s online courses in a year, for example, than have attended the university in its 377 years of existence. In the same spirit, there are more unique visits each month to the WebMD network, a collection of health websites, than to all the doctors working in the United States. In the legal world, three times as many disagreements each year amongst eBay traders are resolved using ā€˜online dispute resolutionā€™ than there are lawsuits filed in the entire US court system. On its sixth birthday, the Huffington Post had more unique monthly visitors than the website of the New York Times, which is almost 164 years of age. The British tax authorities use a fraud-detection system that holds more data than the British Library (which has copies of every book ever published in the UK). In 2014, the US tax authorities received electronic tax returns from almost 48 million people who had used online tax preparation software rather than a tax professional to help them. The architectural firm Gramazio & Kohler used a group of autonomous flying robots to assemble a structure out of 1500 bricks. The consulting firm Accenture has 750 hospital nurses on its staff, while Deloitte, founded as an audit practice 170 years ago, now has over 200,000 professionals and its own full-scale corporate university set in a 700,000-square-foot campus in Texas.

The author of the above paragraph is trying to conclude something by citing different pieces of evidence. What could the author be trying to prove?

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Question 4

When facing various challenges, people in todayā€™s digital world heavily rely on private, online information-seeking behaviour. Individuals who experience depression will often attempt to understand their predicament and seek remedy by searching the Internet for depression-related information and treatment. A recent report says that there exists evidence of many searches comprising the word depression, during and just after the elections, in country Y. So, it can be concluded that the election is experienced by many people in country Y as a truly psychologically traumatizing eventā€”and as such as being potentially depressionogenic.

Which of the following statements MOST seriously weakens the conclusion drawn in the passage?

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Question 5

Read the following sentences carefully.
1. The boss accused her employee for stealing information.
2. The boss had better discuss the issue with the employee concerned.
3. The India of 2022 is very different from the India of 1947.
4. The government is committed to providing people with food.
5. He is good in playing the piano.

From the following, identify the option with INCORRECT sentences.

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Question 6

Read the following passage and answer the question that follows.

As a generation, we are rethinking what we are to others. Our technological prowess has become a wireless lifeline for others. Some of us apply ourselves to innovation: hackathons and other forms of technological creativity. Our families look to us to know how to use technology both to waste time and to make meaning. Some of us set up Facetime for those denied face-to-face time. We show them it will be OK, that digital relationships are real relationships - though in fact we are not always sure.

Which of the following will be the most MEANINGFUL conclusion of the passage?

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Question 7

Read the following sentences carefully.

1. The exam will begin from 2:00 p.m. on January 8th.
2. While entering into the college building, he saw the statue of Mahatma Gandhi.
3. The government has entered into a discussion with the local bodies for keeping
the streets clean.
4. I will start my world tour from Sri Lanka.
5. Amitabh Bacchan is married with Jaya Bacchan
6. I have been working on this project for three weeks.

From the following, choose the option having all the CORRECT sentences.

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Question 8

Arrange the following into a meaningful sequence:

1. Our knowledge about life developed over the centuries thanks to the many philosophers, physicists, chemists and biologists, who examined such complex matters according to their different points of view.
2. Out of this long history, I wish to quote here only one date, the year 1953.
3. In that year, Miller and Urey carried out their famous experiment about the primordial universal soup, whose foundations had already been expounded by the Russian chemist Alexandre Oparin in 1924.
4. From a mixture of five gases, methane, ammonia, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and water vapor, and an electric discharge as the source of energy, complex molecules were produced, including amino acids.

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Question 9

Fill up the blanks with appropriate words.

Oil painting did to appearance what capital did to social____________. It reduced everything to the __________of objects. Everything became __________because everything became a commodity. All reality was mechanically__________ by its materiality

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Question 10

Read the following excerpt carefully.

In the future, hydrogen may form a significant part of our energy systems. Today it is mostly used in oil refineries and fertiliser but in the future hydrogen could power our cars, heat our homes, and fuel industry. A recent McKinsey study suggested that in less than 25 years, hydrogen could account for 18% of global energy consumption and reduce carbon dioxide emissions from current levels by some 6 gigatonsā€¦.

Which of the following sentences will MOST logically complete the above excerpt?

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