Question 37

In the following number series, only one number is wrong, find out the wrong number
888, 454, 237, 128.5, 76.25, 47.125


We need to identify the pattern in the series and check if there is any inconsistency.

From 888 to 454:

888 ÷ 2 = 444 (But the next number is 454)

So, we can guess that the next number is approximately halved but with a small increase.

454 = 444 + 10

From 454 to 237:

454 ÷ 2 = 227 (But the next number is 237)

Again, we see that the number is approximately halved with a small increase.

237 = 227 + 10

From 237 to 128.5:

237 ÷ 2 = 118.5 (But the next number is 128.5)

Here, we see a similar pattern where the number is halved with an addition.

128.5 = 118.5 + 10

From 128.5 to 76.25:

128.5 ÷ 2 = 64.25 (But the next number is 76.25)

This doesn't fit the pattern of halving with a small increase.

The correct number here should be 64.25, so 76.25 is the wrong number.

From 76.25 to 47.125:

76.25 ÷ 2 = 38.125 (But the next number is 47.125)

Again, this doesn't follow the halving pattern with an increase.

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