CMAT 2025 Slot 2 Question Paper


Comprehension:Study the bar-graph given below carefully and answer the questions. Bar-graph given below shows the number of packets of bread sold by five stores of two types i.e. multi grain and whole wheat.


Question 1

If another store 'F' sold number of multigrain packets which is average number of multigrain packets sold by stores 'C', 'D' and 'E' and average number of whole-wheat packets sold by stores 'A' and 'E'. If store 'B'sold each packet at ₹ 240 and store 'F'sold each packet at 20% more than that of 'B', then total revenue collected by store 'F' is.

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Question 2

The total number of packets sold by store 'C' is approximately what percent more or less than the total number of packets sold by store 'E' ?

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Question 3

Multigrain packets sold by stores 'A' and 'B' together are what percent more or less than whole-wheat packets sold by stores 'C' and 'D' together ?

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 4

The probability that the birthdays of 4 different persons will fall in exactly two calendar months is :

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Question 5

In a $$\triangle PQR$$ , point Xis on PQ and point Y is on PR such that XP = 1.5 units, XQ = 6 units, PY= 2 units and YR = 8 units. Consider the following statements :
Statement I : QR = 5 XY
Statement II :$$\triangle PYX$$ is similar to $$\triangle PRQ$$
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below.

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Question 6

A consignment of 15 wrist watches contains 4 defectives. The wrist watches are selected at random, one by one and examined . The ones examined are not replaced back. What is the probability that ninth one examined is the last defective?

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Question 7

In how many ways can the following prizes be given away to a class of 30 students, first and second in Mathematics, first and second in Physics, first in Chemistry and first in English?

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Question 8

What value comes in place of question mark (?) in the following statements and arrange them in descending order.
$$A. \frac{5}{9}\times(225.40-45.4)=(?)^{2}$$
$$B. \sqrt{1024} \times 40 + (20)^{2}+0.5\% Of 9600+469=(?)^{3}$$
$$C. 8^{12} \div 16^{2} of 32^{3}\times\sqrt{256}=(2)^{?}$$
$$D. 18{\frac{1}{3}} + 9 {\frac{2}{3}} - 10 {\frac{1}{3}}=1 {\frac{2}{3}}+?$$
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :

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Question 9

Ravi took a loan from HDBC Bank for his 2-year MBA program at IIM. He took the loan of t 6 lakh such that he would be charged at 8% per annum compound interest during his program and at 10% per annum compound interest after completion of course. He returned half of the amount which he had to pay on the completion of his program and remaining after 2 years. What is the total amount returned by Ravi?

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Question 10

Amit can do 50% more work than Bhushan in same time. Bhushan alone can do a piece of work in 30 hours. Bhushan starts working and had already worked for 12 hours when Amit joins him. How many hours should Bhushan and Amit work together to complete the remaining work?

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